Top Tip – Cleaning Your Closet

We usually wear only 20% of the clothes we own; therefore, cleaning out ones closet is a great thing to do about once a year. Clothes like to breathe and not be cramped so help them out.

If time is an issue start small – one section or drawer at a time. I like to go through all the same type of items at once – all blouses, or jeans, or shoes, etc. the trick is to be really be honest when weeding out.

Really be honest when weeding out. Being honest about if you really wear things or not can be a challenge so if you need it, have some one with you while you are sorting. Use them as both a sounding board and helper.

If it is an item that you never wear, but for some reason think or feel you should keep it because you either paid a lot for it or someone gave it to you – let it go. Some one else will use it and love it and that energy gets returned to you!

If you never seem to reach for it – LET it go.

If you have clothes that don’t fit, let them go.

If you end up with lots of extra hangers – give them away too.

And once you start letting things go be ready. Always have a bag ready for the clothes you are giving away. Move them out of the house ASAP and take to a thrift store.  If the clothes are really worn and not worth giving away, toss them.

After I purge my closet, I like to make sure all my clothes are hanging on the same type of hangers. It’s a little expense that seems to finish off the closet. It helps me to want to hang items back right away.

Seasonal clothes should be in one section, and moved to the front when appropriate.

If you end up with lots of extra hangers – give them away too.

When I run out of my good hangers I know it’s time to purge again. Since my closet space is small I have to stay on point and weed out if I go clothes shopping.

I hope this inspires you.
